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5 Must-Eat Fruits and Veggies During Winter

6 min read November 27, 2022 Emily Barnett

As the season of winter is knocking on our doors, the vegetable stalls are changing the fruits and veggies with winter ones. The summer vitamins are long over, but with the advent of cold weather, the body needs nutrients even more. For good health, you need to eat at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day. But what to choose? To strengthen the immune system and feel cheerful, not gain excess weight by spring and get rid of poor health, these are the vegetables and fruits that should be in your daily diet.


“An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Have you heard such a saying? It very aptly explains the indispensable nutritional benefits of apples in any season, but especially in winter and spring. To feel great in the winter season, be sure to eat 1-2 apples a day. The fruit will help overcome fatigue and hunger and make up for the lack of iron in the body. And it is not necessary to eat fresh apples. Soaked, dried, and baked fruits will also bring benefits. But still, the leader in useful properties is a fresh apple. Should you peel off apples? If they are homemade, you can and should eat them with skin. But the purchased ones are better to pre-clean.


Pumpkin is a real miracle. Orange, bright, – with its color alone, it is able to disperse the autumn and winter blues. Pumpkins will also help maintain immunity in winter. It contains a lot of vitamins and microelements that will protect the body from lack of sunlight, improve metabolic processes and slow down the aging process. Many people think that pumpkin is only suitable for porridge. Yes, pumpkin porridge is a classic. But, in addition, pumpkin can be used to make filling for pies, and it can be baked in the oven with cinnamon, and cooked in the form of soup-puree, casseroles, and Panna Cotta. All the same, pectin, a number of essential vitamins, and beta-carotene will remain in this vegetable, which, as one of the excellent properties of the vegetable, helps the body cope with viral diseases. Since pumpkin is very well absorbed and, moreover, contains a large amount of vitamin K, its use helps to improve metabolism. Thanks to this, slags and toxins are removed from the body, and excess weight is also reduced. That is why pumpkin is often included in all kinds of diets. It is very useful to drink pumpkin juice and crack pumpkin seeds. If you have frozen pumpkin, in winter it’s time to cook healing cereals!


Beets are a source of trace elements needed by the body. Most people, for unknown reasons, do not like this wonderful vegetable, but in vain. If you eat it every day, you can noticeably improve your health. The use of beet-based dishes will allow you to abandon medicines and gradually bring the digestive tract back to normal. The main advantage and benefit of the product is the improvement of blood circulation. The vegetable stabilizes the state of blood vessels and makes them more elastic, providing the body with a good flow of blood throughout the body. If you include the product in your daily diet, you can get rid of oxygen starvation of the brain, muscles, and heart, as well as hemorrhages.


In winter, when many vegetables are not available in cold climates, radish is one of the best sources of vitamins and minerals. Radish helps to stimulate digestion, remove excess water from the body to avoid swelling, and also cleanses the bile ducts. Black radish has antibacterial and antifungal properties, so if possible, include it in your winter diet to support immunity. People with high blood pressure should also consume this vegetable regularly. To feel the healing effect, it is enough to eat 150 g of radish per day. And since the radish is 90% water, it has a lot of fiber, plus the radish is a low-calorie product, and this vegetable helps to fight excess weight.


Citrus fruits include oranges, tangerines, lemons, limes, and grapefruits. All these fruits will be of great help in maintaining your immunity and will cheer you up with their bright appearance. Citrus fruits contain many useful substances – from phytoncides and antioxidants to vitamins that are vital in winter. The most valuable component of citrus fruits is vitamin C, which can not only strengthen the immune system but also protect cells from adverse environmental effects and fight premature aging. After eating the pulp of citrus fruits, make candied fruit peels for a traditional Christmas cake.

In winter, our body has to deal with the cold, and the lack of sunlight. To all this, you can add viruses of a respiratory infection or influenza. Nutrition is our main line of defense in this situation. It is one of the most important factors that support immunity. So, in order to strengthen your health in the winter season, do not forget to fill your basket with the above vegetables and fruits. Add them to your daily meal schedule and your family will be protected from health problems in winter.