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Magic Fruits and Berries for Tasty and Easy Weight Loss

8 min read May 25, 2022 Emily Barnett

They say if you add more fruits and berries to your diet or replace meals with fruit snacks, you can quickly lose weight. However, fruits are different. There are some fruits and berries that contain a lot of simple sugars such as fructose, glucose, and sucrose, which directly affects the calorie content of the product and can become an obstacle for those people who have set themselves a serious goal of losing weight in a short time. Which fruits and berries are the best helpers in the process of losing weight, and which shouldn’t be eaten when you are on a diet? In this article, we will figure it out.

How to Define the Fruit Energy Value?

The sweeter the fruit or berry, the more energy and calories it contains. If you like to dive into the study in more detail, it is worth considering exactly which sugars are contained in a particular fruit. Sugar is a code name often used for sucrose, fructose, and glucose. Fructose stimulates hunger more than glucose, so if there is a need to stimulate appetite and eat more, it is better to eat fruits with a high content of fructose, and when you want to eat less, it is worth choosing fruits that contain glucose. The calorie content of fruits and berries also depends on the ratio of the volume of the pulp and the watery structure of the fruit. The more liquid in the fruit, the lower its calorie content. And finally, the glycemic index (GI) is a coefficient that shows how quickly carbohydrates are absorbed by the body, increasing a blood sugar level.

How Many Calories in Dried Fruits?

Of course, dried fruits have much more calories than fresh fruits due to the greater density and the minimum amount of moisture in the product, and an increased level of fruit sugars. If you do not take into account the calories, dried fruits are very useful for digestion and your health, and it is recommended to eat them in small quantities. Moreover, dried fruits can replace sweets completely, so it’s a great help to any sweet tooth to survive the period of the diet without any suffering. But you have to understand that this option can only be suitable for those who are determined to lose weight more continuously and systematically, or for those people who are not ready to stop eating sweets completely.

What Fruits and Berries Are Better for a Diet?

So, we have come to the most important question: which fruits should be consumed by a person on a diet, and which ones shouldn’t be eaten for a while? In general, all fruits and berries can be divided into two categories: low-calorie and high-calorie. Discover our list of fruits and berries that best contribute to weight loss due to their unique properties and low-calorie content.


This fruit is indispensable for weight loss: despite its pronounced sweetness, it contains only 48 kcal. Pineapple also contains a special enzyme that accelerates the breakdown of fats and proteins, increases the efficiency of gastric juice on food, and, thereby, improves digestion.


100 grams of grapefruit contain fewer kilocalories than 100 grams of pineapple – there is only 35 kcal. Grapefruit speeds up glucose metabolism, and this is exactly what you need when losing weight. Grapefruit also has a diuretic effect which removes excess fluid and toxins from the body due to the large amount of fiber in this fruit. In addition, the taste of grapefruit can reduce appetite – it’s just what the doctor ordered during weight loss! Nutritionists recommend consuming citrus fruits in the evening. For example, you can eat an orange that contains only 36 kcal per 100 grams. The vitamin composition will allow you to get the maximum benefit from this fruit without gaining extra pounds. Oranges have a beneficial effect on metabolism and digestion and stimulate intestinal motility, which also contributes to weight loss.


Kiwis are high in Vitamin C and dietary fiber and provide a variety of health benefits. The positive qualities of kiwi for weight loss cannot be overestimated: this magic berry perfectly burns fats. Besides, eating kiwi on a diet allows you to get rid of extra pounds without any harm to your health because kiwi is a real storehouse of vitamins. If you eat 1 berry a day, it will provide even more benefits than an apple or citrus fruits. Kiwi has a pleasant fresh invigorating taste, it’s especially good in spring and summer.


Berries are a very good option for weight loss because they contain a lot of water and have the lowest glycemic index among fruits. Of course, different berries have a different list of nutrients, but they all contain important vitamins and minerals needed by the human body. The most effective berries for weight loss, according to nutritionists’ suggestions are raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, and blueberries.


Stone fruits include fruits that have a hard stone inside – these are nectarines, apricots, plums, cherries, wild cherries, and peaches. They’re highly nutritious and offer an array of health benefits. Aside from their delicious taste, stone fruits offer an array of vitamins, minerals, and powerful plant compounds. All they have a low glycemic index and are generally low in calories, which is great for weight loss.

So, we have analyzed several groups of fruits and berries which are great to eat for weight loss. As you can see, losing weight can be not so sad at all and even tasty! Everyone can find the best option in such a variety of delicious proposals. It sounds like magic, but losing weight can be tasty and healthy!